
In January 2016, the University of Denver approved its strategic plan, DU IMPACT 2025. Based on this plan, the Collaboration for the Public Good Working Group was established to lead the development and implementation of the DU Grand Challenges (DUGC) initiative.

Table Conversation

What are Grand Challenges Initiatives?

University-led grand challenge initiatives have emerged nationally with the goal of addressing large, multidisciplinary public problems. With a focus on public problem solving, these initiatives offer a way to re-engage the public’s imagination and faith in higher education. The model that was developed still serves as a framework that engages the university and community at multiple, intersectional levels. No single discipline has the capacity to address these challenges in isolation, which is why a focus is placed on encouraging civic participation.

To further dive into university-led grand challenges initiatives, read Anne DePrince's (Associate Vice Provost, Public Good Strategy & Research) and Cara DiEnno's (Executive Director of CCESL) published article:


Tackling Grand Challenges: Community Engagement and Collective Impact in Public Problem Solving

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