Collective Impact Cohorts

DU Grand Challenges is grounded in a collective impact framework. The DUGC Collective Impact Cohorts were formed as a direct response to the aspirations we co-identified with community and university stakeholders to improve daily living, increase economic opportunity, and advance deliberation and action for the public good. Through a structured, facilitated collective impact process, Cohorts identify shared aspirations and carry out initiatives that spark change. 

Cohorts are comprised of community members, faculty, staff and students. Community members are from government and community-based agencies. Each Cohort is supported by a facilitator trained in collective impact processes and approaches. 


Current Cohorts


Community-engaged scholarship is at the core of our collective impact approach. Each cohort received support to develop and implement specific actions that result in a collective impact. Cohort participants and leaders commit to two years of service.

In addition to specific project actions, participants also identify and connect with other campus and community members who are working to solve similar issues to build distributed networks that will continue to seed new work. Cohorts balance new projects while continuing to discover needs and explore new solutions.


Cohorts receive several forms of support to accomplish their work, including:

  • A Facilitator
  • Training/ leadership development
  • Backbone support from CCESL
  • Project management tools
  • Evaluations

DU Grand Challenges has a deliberate mission to affect positive change. By combining existing resources and with new initiatives, together, we can take on the world’s most pressing challenges.

Past Cohorts

The cohorts below were the first four established thanks to funding from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to address an issue that is central to improving daily living, one of the three DU Grand Challenges issue areas: Crime & Safety; Migration; Just Sustainability in an Urban Environment; Housing and Food Insecurity.